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Saturday, 31 January 2015

Carrot Crew!

Want to win a place into the carrot crew?

Comment your skype name below, will choos 3 random people before the 15th of Feb! Good Luck!

Friday, 30 January 2015

Left the cookie crew?

I feel like i should be honest with you, I have not been in the cookie crew for a week now and the few people who ask me questions like
Can i be in the cookie crew
Ask ***** to skype me
I have left for my own reason, I dont "hate them" but i am pretty sure they hate me, I have got a screenshot with why i think they hate me
The status you can see by a member of the crew is about me i think, I dont think it would have been the best time to post it if it wasnt about me however it is about someone and either way it isnt fare.

If you follow my instagram you might have seen some quotes, The quotes are all saying in the lyrics that 'Im sorry for what i done, I should never of had my opinion' and how ive made the mistakes.

Now i realise i havnt done anything, i said my point and I got hated for what i said. I feel like since ive left, everyone dosnt care about me and they forgot i was there. I litrally feel like poo.

Anyways, thats all, Thanks & Bye :)

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Ishacool! :)

OMG! i logged onto my msp acc and i seen this

OMG, ISHACOOL SEND ME A GREETING, i have no idea why, cos i have did nothing to earn
it, but this girl is so kind to give me one, i feel so lucky and thankful that someone who ive been friends with for so little time has sent me a greeting

Im also thankful for isha doing this:

Isha has also added me to 2 of her amazing movies, it would mean alot to her  if you watch them
and i am so thankful isha has done this, Thanks isha! :)

Friday, 13 June 2014


Latley, you might know of me and kristle "standing up for are self" to vimto4901, and the 2 bitches who have no idea of anything, maya and stardust, well i dont want anything to do with them, 



im sick of these few people, i think msp would be better if maya and vimto wernt on the game, i still believe they are bullies, and always will. stardust has stayed out of it, but yes, she did get involved so nothing positive in her -.- 

This will be my LAST post about them, if they do anything to me, or my bffs, i will have my ways of getting there hate back, what? 10X worse, but it wont be through blogging. 

I didn't want to get involved in all this but i got dragged in, however i will always stand up for my bffs, and wont back down. i think it has got a little out of hand though, and has been going on for far to long.

If they come back, well its there choice, i have plenty of screenshots of vimto, what i could blog, however, i haven't. 

I dont want to be friends with them at all, i dont like them and never will. there both trouts in my eyes. 


-David out.

Monday, 2 June 2014

vimto4901 wishing death on *kristle*

theres proof :)

Vimto4901 busted AGAIN!

He is still bullying kristle, And she hasn't been doing anything to him -.-

Basically, you see him commenting in stardust's guestbook about kristle, Calling her a slut? Like wtf. if she wants she can date who she wants.
And whats even worse is that this is wrote in kristle's enemy's guestbook, so theres also proof in vimto and star backstabbing kristle.

Vimto, if you read this, just calm ur tits, kristle dosnt give a shit about you. she left you, but back stabbing her will get you more hate, no 1 likes a back stabber, do they? ;)

Saturday, 26 April 2014


Vimto4901 Busted

If you think you can put hate on *kristle* and get away with it, well you carnt. I have so much proof and even more proof to show how much hate you put on 1 girl.

First, lets tell my viewers why this vimpto guy has started to hate on kristle, Because he was begging on kristles wall, and she said no. So anyways, he started aload of drama and had numerous attaks on kristle. here is proof that he done wrong.

He made a forum named "I hate kristle" and i reported it, i would have screen shots but it is took down now.

I have took out alot of the messages and reports as that dosnt have anything to do with you, and it is private, thats why only i can read the messages. but he has had a warning or lock for the forum, in the same hour he messaged me, as you can see, here are the messages in order:

As you can see, he is trying to prove his innocents, what is all FAKE.

if he was really hacked, why would he of made the forum? See. Why would he of quit and come back? Dosnt add up AT ALL.

You are messaging me these things, but your just a lier, and your doing this because you know that you have no proof that your in the right, i can show much more, like messages from kristle and messages you wrote on her wall.

here is 2 more screen shots...
And this girl thinks he done NOTHING wrong, hate forums, hater accounts and hating on her wall, ok so if i done it to her i would of done nothing wrong
Last screen shot, nuff said.

Here it is, 100% of his lies.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

i think i broke msp ._.

Trust me, it was a accident. Ooops.

the people on the bottom all gone, but good news is now i have a vip sign :)

We need bob the builder, now. K. Ok.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Sunday, 29 December 2013