David0069151 blog's Views! XD

Sunday, 31 March 2013

random pic of april fools

april fools 3 funny random pictures whats your fav???


impossibility 1

impossibility 1) 
as i dont have a random pic of yesterday i decided to do this...

You carnt say the letter "P" without separating your lips...
you just attempted to do it
your laughing at yourself
hahaha lol....share this !!!

Saturday, 30 March 2013


1) (easy) what level am I?
2) (easy) how much star coins do boonies cost?
a.150 starcoins
b.950 starcoins
c.900 starcoins
3) (medium)
how many boonies do i have?
4)(easy)Anonymous is famous on movie star planet because? 
a. hacks
b.hates msp
c.level 25

funny random pic of the day (late) 29/3/13

                           yesterdays funny random pic of the day, sorry it was late ... i forgot :(

funny random pic of the day!

                                              funny random pic of the day~david0069151

free wishie

want a free wishy on msp ... just comment david0069151 and message david0069151 the words : blog-free-wishie12345!
must be under 300 starcoins wishy...i will upgrade to a 400 if i get 2 autos

~thankyou david0069151

sorry :(

sorry...there has been a few problems with screen shots lately...i have downloaded a new app so they will be alot better and wont be blury... i wont be able to do anymore screen shots at the moment untill my new software it working properly...thankyou~ david0069151 MSP

plz watch my movies