If you think you can put hate on *kristle* and get away with it, well you carnt. I have so much proof and even more proof to show how much hate you put on 1 girl.
First, lets tell my viewers why this vimpto guy has started to hate on kristle, Because he was begging on kristles wall, and she said no. So anyways, he started aload of drama and had numerous attaks on kristle. here is proof that he done wrong.
He made a forum named "I hate kristle" and i reported it, i would have screen shots but it is took down now.
I have took out alot of the messages and reports as that dosnt have anything to do with you, and it is private, thats why only i can read the messages. but he has had a warning or lock for the forum, in the same hour he messaged me, as you can see, here are the messages in order:
As you can see, he is trying to prove his innocents, what is all FAKE.
if he was really hacked, why would he of made the forum? See. Why would he of quit and come back? Dosnt add up AT ALL.
You are messaging me these things, but your just a lier, and your doing this because you know that you have no proof that your in the right, i can show much more, like messages from kristle and messages you wrote on her wall.